Sunday April 25th my wonderful sister's birthday, I enjoyed church, shopping with my mother in law and three boys in tow along with a nice and yummy dinner and returned about seven o'clock to get the boys in bed and plop myself on the couch. I walked down the driveway to get the mail with abrief and puzzling pain in my tummy... Hum I thought and carried on. I buzzed about the house getting the things in order to begin our week and tidied up a bit and then plugged in to my nightly face book addiction with two trips to the restroom. Mike came out of the boys room about 10:00 to lay on the couch. At 10:15 and I know this because I was talking to Katie on FB I went to the bathroom to find what I know now was "the bloody show" I know what a yucky name but at that time it scared me beyond being scared. Yes I have had two other children and no I have never seen anything like this. I told Mike we need to go to the hospital ... now... and he began his buzzing around (: There was talk of moving stuff from one car to another and whatever but I said lets go get in the car now. Mike called Dr Lane I called Marion, yes their personal cell phones :/ and then we called the office to tell then we were headed in. We got to the hospital in about 4 min, Mike his 65 on Old Clyde Road, this time he dropped me off at the door YEA and I walked in and told the guy at the front desk I am not in labor but I need to be checked out because I passed a chunk of blood (sorry for those of you who this bothers Beth) he asked how far along I was and I said 38 weeks and he pushed a button and sent me through this door. I sat and this lady asked me many questions while she also gave a detailed story of her last trip to Walmart and all her encounters during the visit. Mike ready to get up toLabor and delivery never sat down... We finished the paper work and she asked us to wait in the hall and that someone would come to get me soon. Mom and Pop walked in, Dad and Grams were called and we waited. The doors opened and I saw the face of my angel Stacey, a friend and labor and delivery nurse who I totally trust and I began to relax. She asked what was going on and she gave me a gown, I changed and she checked me and hooked me up to hear Zane's heart beat. I asked if she thought everything was OK... She said his heartbeat sounds great and you get comfortable because you aren't going anywhere, you are a 5 andwith your labor history you will not be discharged. I sat back and took in that not only was I in labor I was half way through and had not had any, what I considered, real contractions yet. I put my I-pod on and began to relax and the contractions came. Stacey asked if I would like an epidural and for the first time I had no answer. I wanted a natural birth but a choice hum and with a smile I declined and am so thankful I did! Dr Lane and Marian arrived about 12:15 and he said he was going to go wait and she sat with Mike and I. They took turns rubbing my back as I sat on the birthing ball. Stacey came in and checked me a few times and checked Zane's heart beat once. I was a little difficult in that I didn't want to be hooked to amachine. I asked for a rag because I got very hot and it kept falling off and we all laughed. Marian told me that moaning would help the pain and move through the contractions, I tried it and it worked FABULOUSLY!!! I was a moaning fool (: At 2:30 I decided to get in the bed and I think this is when my water broke and at 2:45 I think is when everyone came in... the baby staff, Dr Lane, all the nurses. I pushed twice and Zane made his entrance at 2:59am and he was beautiful! I have loved each of my boys births and holding your child for the first time is an amazing and crazy feeling but for many reaso
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Zane Carter Giusti
Sunday April 25th my wonderful sister's birthday, I enjoyed church, shopping with my mother in law and three boys in tow along with a nice and yummy dinner and returned about seven o'clock to get the boys in bed and plop myself on the couch. I walked down the driveway to get the mail with abrief and puzzling pain in my tummy... Hum I thought and carried on. I buzzed about the house getting the things in order to begin our week and tidied up a bit and then plugged in to my nightly face book addiction with two trips to the restroom. Mike came out of the boys room about 10:00 to lay on the couch. At 10:15 and I know this because I was talking to Katie on FB I went to the bathroom to find what I know now was "the bloody show" I know what a yucky name but at that time it scared me beyond being scared. Yes I have had two other children and no I have never seen anything like this. I told Mike we need to go to the hospital ... now... and he began his buzzing around (: There was talk of moving stuff from one car to another and whatever but I said lets go get in the car now. Mike called Dr Lane I called Marion, yes their personal cell phones :/ and then we called the office to tell then we were headed in. We got to the hospital in about 4 min, Mike his 65 on Old Clyde Road, this time he dropped me off at the door YEA and I walked in and told the guy at the front desk I am not in labor but I need to be checked out because I passed a chunk of blood (sorry for those of you who this bothers Beth) he asked how far along I was and I said 38 weeks and he pushed a button and sent me through this door. I sat and this lady asked me many questions while she also gave a detailed story of her last trip to Walmart and all her encounters during the visit. Mike ready to get up toLabor and delivery never sat down... We finished the paper work and she asked us to wait in the hall and that someone would come to get me soon. Mom and Pop walked in, Dad and Grams were called and we waited. The doors opened and I saw the face of my angel Stacey, a friend and labor and delivery nurse who I totally trust and I began to relax. She asked what was going on and she gave me a gown, I changed and she checked me and hooked me up to hear Zane's heart beat. I asked if she thought everything was OK... She said his heartbeat sounds great and you get comfortable because you aren't going anywhere, you are a 5 andwith your labor history you will not be discharged. I sat back and took in that not only was I in labor I was half way through and had not had any, what I considered, real contractions yet. I put my I-pod on and began to relax and the contractions came. Stacey asked if I would like an epidural and for the first time I had no answer. I wanted a natural birth but a choice hum and with a smile I declined and am so thankful I did! Dr Lane and Marian arrived about 12:15 and he said he was going to go wait and she sat with Mike and I. They took turns rubbing my back as I sat on the birthing ball. Stacey came in and checked me a few times and checked Zane's heart beat once. I was a little difficult in that I didn't want to be hooked to amachine. I asked for a rag because I got very hot and it kept falling off and we all laughed. Marian told me that moaning would help the pain and move through the contractions, I tried it and it worked FABULOUSLY!!! I was a moaning fool (: At 2:30 I decided to get in the bed and I think this is when my water broke and at 2:45 I think is when everyone came in... the baby staff, Dr Lane, all the nurses. I pushed twice and Zane made his entrance at 2:59am and he was beautiful! I have loved each of my boys births and holding your child for the first time is an amazing and crazy feeling but for many reaso
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